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Lions Family Enrichment Seminar

First Aide And CPR Training - Life Saving Skills
with MoCare
June 1, 2024


This workshop was designed to teach our parents and players the importance of knowing what to do before 911 arrives. They learned how to perform CPR among other life saving skills. We are thankful to Monique from MoCare, LLC who came and provided clear instructions in a very understandable manner. The goal is to keep learning important skills and we did that.

2024 Black History Month Event with Hartford Lions

'Celebrating Black Excellence'
with Guest Speaker Leonard Epps
Date: February 10, 2024


This was a rich and informative experience for the kids, parents and us as well. We learned something new this year about the black experience. Our hope is to continue this learning process and celebration each year. As we have said time and time before it is not just soccer, it is life.
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