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Parenting Soccer Players

You are now a soccer parent otherwise called 'Soccer Mom' or 'Soccer Dad'. And now there is more for you to do to help your child. The first thing you should know is that it is just a game. It may be for Recreational or Competitive purposes but it is still just a game. Why are we saying this? There is a certain way for us to behave on the field that can help the referees, coaches, other parents, and our child in a positive manner. There is also another behavior that can negatively affect the said persons.

During The Game

We as parents need to be mindful of our communications while we are at a game. We do believe that your intentions are well for the team. We know you want them to win but we need to be encouraging. Be mindful that the coaches have advised the team on how to play and you as the parent maybe giving partial or completely different instructions. It can also be confusing for the player to be listening to both the parents' instructions and the coaches' instructions at the same time as well.

After The Game

We should keep the encouragement flowing even after the game. If the team loses, it would be best to talk about the game in a positive light, don't have them feel awful for playing because they probably feel bad as it is. Always encourage them that they will get better each time they play. Because the more games they play they will learn new skills and approaches on how to do it better the next time around. 

Remember Be Encouraging

Some Words that can be used to represent this are:

  - Good job guys!
  - You can do it!
  - Good Try!

We have included a few videos for you to watch that will hopefully help you in understanding our point.
(*Please be advised we are not affiliated with the creators of these videos neither are we compensated for displaying them on our website.
These are strictly for informational purposes.)

  - Do's and Don'ts of Soccer Parenting
  - Sideline Development - How parents can improve the game
  - Its Just a Game